
Winter is here to stay: Where most of us have at least the option to crank up the heat, over 20.000 people in Germany don’t even have a roof over their heads. Helplessly exposed to the cold especially at night. Every homeless human frozen to death is one too much. Don’t let it happen!

What can you do?

Got a sleeping bag in good condition? Get in touch (contact info) to donate it!

Option 2:
You can donate money: For 25 €, together we can save one person! Either via our betterplace project (English | German) or use the form below!

Every sleeping bag or money donation helps and keeps someone warm + alive tonight. We make sure it reaches the people directly and safe.

You make the difference for those in need. And on top of it: Your donation cheers up their hearts to make them feel warm inside alike. Make someone smile today and donate a sleeping bag!

One sleeping bag saves one life

For 25 € we can buy a sleeping bag to help a human being.
Your donation matters. Thank you in advance for your support!

Support for homeless people in Brussels. Since 2017 we have been supporting Solidarité Grand Froids, located in the center of the city, this charity is always very grateful.

But what is frightening to hear is that they can no longer keep up with the help. For example, in the beginning where we came by with a full sprinter, the things lasted for weeks. At the moment the demand has grown so much that they are out of stock within a week. It's shocking to see the concerning rise of homeless in Brussels. Compared to last year, homelessness in this region has increased by over 32%.

Winter Sleeping Bags - From the profit of last month’s webshop sales and latest donations we bought this pallet of winter sleeping bags which resists extreme weather conditions. We add these bags up to our next distributions. We can get these high quality bags for a good price at a camping wholesaler. This winter we want to distribute more of them. Any donation is much appreciated! 🙌🏽❤️W

Our container full of medical equipment and mobility devices is arriving at the port of Mombasa TOMORROW! Then begins the process of customs and clearing so that the container can make the long journey from the coast to Nakuru. We are very excited to begin our mobility project again, albeit a bit differently than before. Updates to come as we navigate customs. Thank you to everyone making this project happen.


Yesterday we sponsored our 94th medical clinic with local partner The Nathan Hall Williams Center. Integrated clinic was held it Lalwet, a community in Kapkures, Nakuru. We offered HIV testing and counceling, cervival cancer screening, family planning, nutrition, blood pressure check ups. Turnout was 189 patients

Yesterday we are delivered another van with hoodies, jackets, shoes and other winter clothes to ASBL Solidarité Grands Froids in Belgium. This facility in Brussels are supporting over 4000 homeless people and refugees. Our awesome network makes it possible that we can do these delivieries regularly in Germany, Netherlands and Belgium.  Thank you

Am Samstag den 04. März 2017 ab 10:00 Uhr werden wir uns auf dem Rathausplatz in Lüdenscheid treffen um gemeinsam ein Iglu aus Tetrapaks zu bauen. Neben dem Versuch einen Weltrekord aufzustellen soll das Iglu genutzt werden um Spenden für ein Trinkwasserprojekt in Kenia zu sammeln.


Das Leben auf der Straße ist gefährlich, besonders in den kalten Jahreszeiten. Laut Schätzungen der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe e.V sind allein in Deutschland seit 1991 rund 300 obdachlose Menschen erfroren. Deshalb versuchen wir mit der Hardcore Help Foundation, jedes Mal wenn wir Obdachlosenunterkünfte beliefern, nicht nur Kleidung, sondern auch Schlafsäcke, Decken und Isomatten mitzubringen. Denn all dies rettet Leben! Leider werden diese Produkte schneller verteilt, als sie gespendet werden können. Aus diesem Grund wollen wir, mit euch, Geld sammeln um gemeinsam diese lebenswichtigen Gegenstände kaufen zu können. Mit eurer Hilfe sollte es uns möglich sein, einen Grundbestandteil in unserem Lager aufzubauen, den wir bei zukünftigen Auslieferungen sinnvoll mit euren, ebenfalls sehr wichtigen, Kleidungsspenden kombinieren können.
Selbstverständlich werden wir ein Auge auf Aus- und Schlussverkäufe werfen, um möglichst viele dieser Produkte so günstig wie möglich zu erwerben. Fall ihr selbst in einem Sport- oder Campingladen arbeitet oder jemanden aus der Branche kennt und wisst, wie wir günstig an diese Dinge, oder sogar Spenden von Restbeständen, kommen können, schreibt uns gerne an

Wir bedanken uns schon jetzt bei jedem einzelnen, der sich an dem
Projekt beteiligt, es verbreitet oder uns dabei hilft möglichst viele, der aufgezählten Dinge, günstig zu erwerben.
Hardcore Help Foundation


We are happy to announce, that our  new shop is finally online!

Go check :

Or just click here:  Onlineshop



Become a

One of the reasons why we came so far is because so many volunteers took the time and talent to help this organization.

If you are thinking about setting up a benefit show or want to run a sports event and collect donations or just have a creative idea get in touch. We are always looking for people who could help out at our warehouse or at shows.

Send a mail to .

You really can make a difference !!!

Hardcore Help Foundation

Am Fuhrpark 15
58507 Lüdenscheid
