
Latest News

School support in Abra De Llog, Philippines

Reading corner at a school in Abra De Llog, Phillippines. Sponsored by us. We are sending more supplies to support this school soon.  
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Donation from Zeppelin high school.

Yesterday we received a donation from Zeppelin high school in Lüdenscheid for an upcoming project in 2018. Hardcore Help Foundation and The Nathan Hall Williams Center are planning to build a well together with Sharewater. At the moment Sharewater is building a well in Benin where also a big part of this donation goes to. Big […]
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Delivery in Amsterdam

Yesterday we delivered a donation with sleeping bags, lots of shoes, socks, towels, jackets, jeans and other clothes to „De Regenboog „ in Amsterdam. This facility has 7 walk-in houses in the capital and takes care up to one thousand homeless people a day. They were very thankful about the donations.
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Medical Clinic in Subukia

Yesterday we sponsored an integrated clinic in Subukia, Nakuru north, in a place called Haji farm. Lots of mamas who had home delivery came by. Their babys got their first immunization. In this area lots of mothers give birth at home because the health centres are too far. It’s also an area they cant afford […]
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Medical clinic at Kaptembwo

Yesterday we sponsored an intergrated clinic with a good turnout in Kaptembwo. We offered cervical cancer screening, hiv testing and councelling, nutrition, antenatal care, family planning and immunizations. Since the nurses are still on strike, there is much need for this services for so many who can’t afford to go to private hospitals.
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Donation to a counseling center for homeless people

Donation with jackets, t-shirts, sleeping bags, shoes, jeans, hygiene articles to a counseling center for homeless people in Bochum this morning.
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International Charity Walk-In in December

From December 4 until December 9th we are organizing Charity Walk-Ins in several Tattoo studios. 07.12.1017 Verlorene Jungs Tätowierungen Schröderstr. 5A 21335 Lüneburg 07.12.2017 Native Rituals Tattoo & Piercing 45525 Hattingen, Germany 12.12.2017 Love & Crime Tattoo & Piercing 58095 Hagen, Germany 06.12.2017 M. Hgt Tattoo 58636 Iserlohn, Germany 04.12.2017 New […]
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Waterfilter distributions this month

Earlier this month we did another water filter distribution to 60 families in Mugoon, Nakuru
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New Project: Villageboom

We have been working on a new project. Distributing Villageboom to lower income families. Villageboom is a solar power device which gives bright lights to 170 lumes and gives enough energy to charge your phone. A low income family can save up a significant amount of money by replacing kerosene and other pricey fuels with clean, […]
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Wheelchair donation this month

Earlier this month we did a bunch of wheelchair donation in Nakuru.
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Become a

One of the reasons why we came so far is because so many volunteers took the time and talent to help this organization.

If you are thinking about setting up a benefit show or want to run a sports event and collect donations or just have a creative idea get in touch. We are always looking for people who could help out at our warehouse or at shows.

Send a mail to .

You really can make a difference !!!

Hardcore Help Foundation

Am Fuhrpark 15
58507 Lüdenscheid
