
Monthly Medical Training in Nakuru Kenya

Our partners @nhwc_kenya held our monthly capacity building training yesterday at Bondeni Maternity. The nurses from that facility, along with others from Lanet Health Centre, Free Area Health Centre, Mirugi Kariuki Maternity, and student nurses from the Kenya Medical Training College, came together to practice drills for maneuvering complicated breach deliveries with babies in distress. They also practiced managing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). These obstetric emergencies rely on the ability of nurses and the swift management of their maternity teams to deliver these mothers and at times, save their lives and the lives of their newborn infants. Successful management of these patients also prevents emergency cesarean births that not only necessitate ambulance transportation to higher level facilities, but can also complicate postpartum recoveries.

These trainings serve as an opportunity for maternity teams to practice hands on skills, sharpen team dynamics and communication, and share knowledge and best practices across facilities.

Thank you to our supporters for continuing to donate towards our health projects in Kenya!

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One of the reasons why we came so far is because so many volunteers took the time and talent to help this organization.

If you are thinking about setting up a benefit show or want to run a sports event and collect donations or just have a creative idea get in touch. We are always looking for people who could help out at our warehouse or at shows.

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Hardcore Help Foundation

Am Fuhrpark 15
58507 Lüdenscheid
