The number of maternal deaths in some areas of the world reflects inequalities in access to quality health services and highlights the gap between rich and poor (WHO). This month, we sponsored a Perinatal death surveillance and response review following the tragic death of a pregnant woman during childbirth in Nakuru East Sub-County last month. This training built upon an understanding of the drivers of maternal mortality and complications of pregnancy, and provided the Nakuru East team with a greater understanding of the associated disparities in this case. The team of healthcare workers also determined what interventions at patient, provider, facility, and community levels will have the most effect in preventing this from happening again. We stand with our partners in Nakuru County and will continue taking the necessary steps forward to ensure preventable maternal deaths do not occur. … Your generous donations help our partners @nhwc_kenya facilitate these trainings each month. Thank you for your continued support of our health projects in Kenya!
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