
Latest News

6827,- EUR donations collected for the earthquake victims.

Together with Lüdenscheid entrepreneurs Mymarktstand, Gruenzeugs_luedenscheid, Testzentrum_safi and Peoplelikemachines we collected donations for the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria for two weeks in February. The fundraising campaign raised a total of 6827, EUR. Half of the donation will be given to affected village Küpelikiz köyü, Dulkadiroglu, and the other half will be used for […]
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Wheelchair donations in Nakuru, Kenya

Yesterday our partner in Kenya did wheelchair donations to Rachael, Edwin & Triza Kate in Nakuru. They were very happy to get a new wheelchair. For our mobility project in Kenya we are still looking for functional wheelchairs. Devices are distributed on site by our partner The Nathan Hall Williams Center to support people who […]
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Monthly healthcare training in Nakuru, Kenya

Yesterday, we continued our monthly training support for healthcare workers in Nakuru County with a training on eclampsia, a dangerous high blood pressure disorder. Eclampsia is when patients with preeclampsia develop seizures and/or coma during pregnancy. This life threatening disorder affects 2-8% of pregnancies locally and is the second leading cause of maternal mortality in […]
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Earthquake Relief Turkey & Syria

Our thoughts are with the many victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. We would like to get involved with our community as well. We want to support a village in eastern Turkey, about 25 km from Kahramanmaraş. All houses are destroyed. The survivors are in shock. The first nights outdoor temperature were minus […]
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Donation Can

You would like to help us with collecting donations? Your band has a show coming up or you’re organizing an event? We can send you a donation can, some stickers and info materials. For information get in touch by mail
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Current Needs List


Monthly continuing medical training in Nakuru, Kenya

Yesterday, our partners The Nathan Hall Williams Center hosted our first continuing medical training of the year for the healthcare workers at Bondeni Sub-County Hospital. Bondeni Sub-County hospital has a very busy Maternity department that was, in part, established through years of joint partnership clinics. Today it serves hundreds of women each month through antenatal […]
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Further support for homeless and needy people.

Further support for homeless and needy people in Dortmund and Bochum. This morning we brought a full helpvan with winter jackets, jeans, hoodies, sleeping bags, hygiene articles and other things to @bodo_ev
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Wheelchairs for our disability project.

Many thanks to Awo Lüdenscheid for the donation today: 3 wheelchairs and a bunch of good walkers for our disability project.
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Arrived in the Ukraine

10 pallets with medical supplies and a power generator arrived in Ukraine yesterday (January 17th) by truck. Distribution is planned in the next days. Many thanks to our partner @zivilerkrisenstab for their efforts
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Become a

One of the reasons why we came so far is because so many volunteers took the time and talent to help this organization.

If you are thinking about setting up a benefit show or want to run a sports event and collect donations or just have a creative idea get in touch. We are always looking for people who could help out at our warehouse or at shows.

Send a mail to .

You really can make a difference !!!

Hardcore Help Foundation

Am Fuhrpark 15
58507 Lüdenscheid
