
Latest News

Homabay trip soon

Thanks to all of your support for our Homabay project, we will be heading to western Kenya in January! We will distribute badly needed wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches to 11 individuals with disabilities; conduct a mass distribution of devices and therapy equipment for students at Nyamuga Special School; and gift water filters to 40 families […]
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Homeless Support for Berlin

Homeless Support for Berlin. We packed a cargo with donated goods for 3 organizations/initiatives in Berlin. 7 pallets with a mix of jeans, hoodies, zippers, longsleeves, shoes, towels, winter jackets, sleeping bags and hygiene items. Thanks to everyone for supporting our projects.
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Winter Sleeping Bags

Winter Sleeping Bags – From the profit of last month’s webshop sales and latest donations we bought this pallet of winter sleeping bags which resists extreme weather conditions. We add these bags up to our next distributions. We can get these high quality bags for a good price at a camping wholesaler. This winter we […]
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119th medical clinic with our Kenyan partner

Yesterday we sponsored a training and clinic in Ndondori. Our partners The Nathan Hall Williams Center provided covid vaccines, cervical cancer screening, breast cancer screening, antenatal care, childhood immunizations, and family planing. These trainings with healthcare staff are resulting in a huge increase in the number of patients attending these rural clinics. The more engaged […]
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Logistic Support For Relief Supplies

Since our establishment, we have been working with you to provide basic clothing, hygiene products and other important goods to homeless and refugee people.  But this year, the second season without events, it’s increasingly difficult to continue our projects. We can really use any help.  With your donation you help us to maintain our infrastructure […]
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Wheelchair donations

Another great wheelchair donation from Franz Freunde. This nursing home in Düsseldorf has been supporting us with wheelchairs and walkers for many years now. Yesterday we received 6 wheelchairs and 6 walkers. We are very thankful for this support. At the moment we are collecting for the third shipping container of medical equipment to Kenya. […]
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Hochwasser Hilfeaktion

HOCHWASSER HILFEAKTION Das Unwetter hat große Zerstörung hinterlassen. Uns haben schreckliche Nachrichten erreicht von Familien die durch das Hochwasser alles verloren haben. Wir haben uns Gedacht vielleicht mit euch zusammen schnell und unbürokratisch eine Hilfsaktion zu starten. Wir haben ein neues Spendenkonto eröffnet um den betreffenden Familien in ihre Not zu unterstützen:  HARDCORE HELP FOUNDATION […]
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3rd Water Project with Sharewater and Fundifix

Sharewater Foundation and Hardcore Help Foundation joined forces to fight the water crisis.  Access to clean and safe water is a human right, yet worldwide more than 785 million people have no access to clean and safe drinking water. Unsafe and dirty water kills more people than any violence, including war, with most of it being children […]
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115th medical clinic with our local partner

115th medical clinic with our partner The Nathan Hall Williams Center. Yesterday we sponsored a clinic in Kaptembwo, Nakuru. We offered antenatal, immunization, breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, family planning and counseling. These clinics are an important part of our partnership to promote free, equitable healthcare for all. Thank you for all of your […]
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Distribution in Amsterdam

Last Tuesday  we delivered +50 Sleeping Bags, Desinfection Wipes, Showergel, Toothpaste & Brushes, other Hygiene Items, Socks, Jeans and various T-Shirts to De Regenboog Groep, great organization which has 7 Walk-in houses in Amsterdam where homeless people can eat, exchange clothes, take a shower and get social help from experts. They always appreciate our support. […]
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Become a

One of the reasons why we came so far is because so many volunteers took the time and talent to help this organization.

If you are thinking about setting up a benefit show or want to run a sports event and collect donations or just have a creative idea get in touch. We are always looking for people who could help out at our warehouse or at shows.

Send a mail to .

You really can make a difference !!!

Hardcore Help Foundation

Am Fuhrpark 15
58507 Lüdenscheid
